Today is Mother's Day
It means nothing to me now
It has all gone away
Due to greed and without sincerety .
Attempts made to come back to the good old days failed
No one seems interested having good cordial relationships
Smiles and nice words spoken were just mere for show
Rightousness and good deeds are nil .
On a ship there should be only one Captain
But in ours , many are scrambling to be the one
The ship would sink if there are more than one (Captain)
It would also sink without one (Captain) .
I have given up - saving the ship
Attempts made were looked upon with suspicions
I have given up hope
And let Allah decide on it's destiny .
Mother's day come and go
I long to celebrate it again just like before
Rejoice , food , laughter with my siblings
What a pity, it is just left in my dreams .