Wednesday, September 28, 2005

My childhood life .

In a few days , Muslims would welcome the month of Ramadhan when we would fast ie. refrain from food and water from dawn to dusk for a month. Besides we would also refrain ourselves from committing sins and instead do as much good deeds as we could . Ramadhan is a holy month for Muslims for on the 27th.of Ramadhan our Prophet Muhammad received his first reveilation from God . Thus, this month is very significant to all Muslims throughout the world .At the end of Ramadhan we would then celeberate the Idilfitri .
Reminicsing , my childhood days during Ramadhan and Idilfitri sometimes I would cry and then would wonder with awe how I could rid myself out of that situation . I also thank God for turning me into what I am today . Life in this country during the pre Merdeka days was deplorably pathetic . The majority of the people lived in poverty including my family . Infact ,we belong to the hard core poor . My father had no proper job and it was only when I was about 10 years old that he got a job as a bus driver . With a meagre salary he had to support the 7 of us ( 4 brothers and 2 sisters ) .Luckily we lived in the village and we suppliment our parent's income by breeding chicken and growing vegetable ,tapioca ,sweet potato ,maize etc . So , we did not have to buy vegetables ,sweet potato,maize ,eggs and chickens . We had to be very careful on our spending .We understood our parent's predicament and as such did not demand much .Good food like chicken and meat was something of a luxury in nature and we would get them only during Idilfitri/Idiladha or if there is a kenduri or wedding in the village . To us clothes was only the 2 pairs of school uniform each that we had . New clothes for Idilfitri was not in our vocabulary.In other words we did not celeberate the occasion except stayed home hiding ourselves from others . I remember each time I became sad ,I used to console myself by telling myself that my turn to celeberate would be when I would be successful in my studies and in life later on . Due to my hard work I was quite good in my studies and I won a Federal Minor Scholarship for RM.30.00 per month from Form 1 till I complete my Senior Cambridge School Certificate .That certainly helped alleviate our financial problems .When I continued my studies at UPM Serdang I was sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture .Thus ,I did not depend on my parents to finance my education . Because of my experience ,I am quite careful with my expenses even up to this day.And that has taught me that God will not change our destiny ,except we ourselves .It is up to us to work hard in order to be successful with out lives . I have proven that . That too has taught me to be humble and to care for the unfortunates . Because life is like a cycle .Today you may be somebody but tomorrow you might be nobody .
I am thankful to God for bestowing upon me a good successful life ,good health and good and intelligent children who do not have to undergo the sort of life I had undergone .

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