Monday, April 07, 2008

The big surprise.

On 6th.April 2008 my mother came to our house for the first time . She was brought by my brother Muttakin who came to visit her at my youngest sister's house in Taman Sunway, Petaling Jaya . My brother invited her to his house which is just within a walking distance from mine . Infact my brother had been trying many times to invite her to his house but all failed . We were suprised of the sudden change in her attitude because normally she would not want to come to our houses . She prefered to stay in our sisters's houses . Then I remember that Allah must have answered my prayers . I have been praying daily to Allah so that she would change her negative perceptions on us and be fair to us all .My mother stayed for the night at my brother's house but had lunch at my house the next day . After lunch I persuaded her to go to another of my brother's house in Meru to which she finally relented . My brother Muttakin brought her to the house before sending her back to Taman Sunway . For this development I could only thank Allah .

I always believe that if we pray to Allah and be sincere about it , whatever we ask for would finally be granted by Him . On many occasions God has always been kind to me . Almost all my prayers has been answered . I am very grateful to Him and I am determined that I would not shirk my duty to Him nor would I want to commit any more sin . Whatever sins that I had committed I have repented and determined not to repeat them . I want to devote the remaining years of my life to Allah .

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