Today 10th.July 2010 is my Birthday . I am exactly 63 years old . When I was a young boy each time I looked at a 60 year old man I would feel that the man was very old . I reckon young boys and girls of today when looking at me they would feel the same as I did . Contrary to what they think of me , I do not feel that old at all . I feel I am still young and that there are many older people like Dr.Mahathir and many others who are still fit and surviving . I believe that if one thinks that he is old he would deteriorate and would really becomes old . This is especially true - when whenever I go back to my kampong , I would see my old colleagues there who would look old ,although some of them were actually several years younger than me .In other words we have to feel young in order to look young . However you should not misuse this to behave like a young men doing those nonsence like a young men use to do .
I am thankful to my daughter in-law Shidah and my son Azman who treated me to a nice home cooked lunch . Shidah also took the trouble to bake a Birthday cake for me .Thanks also to my daughter Ezreen Farina who was in UTM JB for her wishes even though it was just through her sms . Their concern and remembrance had really touched my hearts . I do not expect anything of value from my children . It is sufficient just by showing some concern and kinds words and wishes . Then that would make me smile all day long.